Saving this here bc I think there's much meat to this. Something to pray and meditate over. The content below was shared by my brother, Johnny Bargo: I also added a few notes.
We are told in the bible of a great "apostacy" or "falling away". Most have been told that this is people quitting church. While that may be true, its only a small percentage of this huge prophetic sign!
Paul told us in 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-4 that before the Coming of the Lord and our gathering together unto Him, that two things must take place first. One is the great falling away and second is the abomination of desolation where antichrist will declare himself god in the 3rd temple. I will focus in on the first. The great "Falling Away".
The Bible speaks many times about the situation of the earth in the "end times". Jesus said it would be "as in the days of Noah".
Paul said that men would be lovers of pleasure rather then lovers of God. Unthankful, unholy, truce breakers, conceited, disrespectful to parents, lustful and perverse. Having a form of godliness but denying the power there of!
Daniel said many would run to and fro (travel) and knowledge (technology, data) would increase. there would be war, disease, earthquakes and strange weather. love of many would wax cold and hatred would be prevalent!
Needless to say, we seem to be in the pinnacle of those days! The world has never been more connected but at the same time, more divided! Hatred for Christians and wholesome values in general are being attacked!
Children's mind being perverted by a satanic ideology! An ideology that suppresses Holiness and the truth of the gospel, for perverted, lustful beliefs!
Abortion claiming millions and millions of unborn lives! Pornography creating an epidemic addiction in boys, men and even women! Ripping to shreds our understanding of god given sexual pleasure in marriage only.
Note from me, Christina: You have to admit, if we followed God's outlines when it comes to sex, much confusion and pain could be avoided. "Unwanted children", sexually transmitted diseases, having sex in unnatural ways, etc. And this includes "Christians"!
It's not just non-believers who are doing these things.
We are commanded to take care of the orphans, widows, poor, and oppressed. How many of us do our due diligence there???
The world will tell you that love is love and misuse the greatest commandment of loving God and loving others....
"Love is Love" does not mean having multiple partners and caving to your lustful ways. If this is a sin you struggle with (or even find yourself justifying), take it to the Father in prayer. I won't judge, it's not my place. AT ALL. I will warn, though and confess some things I myself am convicted about.
I do not believe it's of God some of the things this flesh (or the world) says is ok...even some of the sexual perversions men and women do in marriage. I know that sounds prudish. But it is what it is. I've been personally convicted about it.)
Music that promotes sexual lust, violence, idolatry, hatred and love for money! Etching these evil desires into the minds of our youth! Driving their agendas into the subconscious mind and creating the very characteristics paul said would come!
(You'd have to be blind to not see the agendas in music and television)
Do What Thou Wilt: A Life of Aleister Crowley

This music has the masses repeating (like a spell) the very things that is being said! Which drives it into the mind and programs the listener! money, sex, drugs and glorifying self!! And so, this is what we become! which happens to be the definition of satanism! That man is gods and do what thou will..
You see, we as a creation have drifted away from God as in the days of Noah! Our thoughts continually on evil and sin. We have places that are even nicknamed "sin city". We laugh in the face of our creator when we do such things as mutilate our little boys to turn them into little girls and our girls into boys. Teach our children about sexual acts in public schools at a very innocent age! These things are abominations.
Note from me, Christina: Gender neutrality, gender confusion, etc - all a work from the enemy. The attack on the family unit and us all being confused about WHO WE ARE has always been the agenda and it's actually documented if you care to look.
I am not saying there isn't genuine gender confusion outside of mind control, etc. They have desecrated our endocrine systems with poisoned air, food, and water; there is a physical element to what's happening to a dna level.
We've destroyed our dna with nearly everything we eat and use on a daily basis. Our acronym agencies do NOT care about our health, they care about the bottom dollar. These are the facts if you have the eyes to see.
Research endocrine disruptors. The list is a mile long. It's no wonder we don't know who we are :(
If you find yourself looking like the world (a lost and confused world) to find "who you are", are you even thinking for yourself? Are you becoming who the Most High created you to be?
Or are you falling right into the trap of the depopulationists of the world?
I'm not saying "all girls have to wear pink and play with dolls. I'm not saying all boys have to wear blue and play with trucks!
Think harder, folks. It's much deeper. I pray you can see.
There are esoteric and exoteric things to see here!
The 'powers that shouldn't be' are eugenicists and are for population control and depopulation. Attacking the family unit helps in their cause. It's a heavy thought....I know. But it's all come from their mouths and is documented.
I can't un-hear and un-see what I've heard and read. Even though the internet has made it difficult to find these things now, I KNOW what I heard and saw from their own mouths. Stop trusting MAN. I pray you start trusting our Creator, the Most High God.
If something doesn't seem right, take it to the Most High in prayer! Don't trust what I say or what any man says. Trust God. He left us with the Holy Spirit to help us discern these tough things! Not to sit around and judge each other harshly. I know it's cliche, but God truly knows your heart. When you know that on a deep level, it will make you WANT to examine your own heart and if you are living in willful sin. I have willful sin in my life. I am no one to judge anyone else :(
I do warn, though. I love you (whoever reads this) too much to not warn. I mean that with every fiber of my being. I love you!!!
We trust men in white coats who say we evolved from organisms that crawled out of these ocean. They tell us that the world was created by an explosion that created everything you see. Even though everything we see is perfectly made! God said He would confound the wise in their own craftiness! No-one is considered more wise then "scientist's"....It is written. Pick up the Bible and read for yourself. It's all there. In this age of information, you can type in, "What does the Bible say about 'blank' - insert any given topic and hundreds of verses populate. They want us confused. They do not want us re-producing. They want us sick and dependent on them. Now is NOT the time to be trusting the world.
Look around, look will be without excuse. We have a Creator. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse.
Romans 1:20
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